You’re thinking about switching jobs.
Any change is difficult without a plan. I can help you to identify why you are looking for this change, the ideal situation you would like to be in and how to pre[are for it.
You’re feeling stuck in your career.
Have ave been passed over for a promotion or two? Maybe your career path at your current company has turned into a dead end. Whatever the reason, you’re getting the feeling that this is it. I can help clarify your situation by looking at what you can do different and assess whether the best move is to go elsewhere.
You’re in between jobs.
Post COVID job market is unlike any other in history. There is a number of reasons why you might be in between jobs. I can work with you to ensure you’re taking your best self into the job market and help you shine up your resume, and more.
You need a little confidence boost.
Everyone needs a reminder for how amazing they are, especially when what we are telling ourselves has led to loss of confidence. I can help you map out your strengths, your goals and remind you that you are a rock star.