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This is the Way Podcast Cover (1200 × 627 px) (4).jpg


  • 60 min workshop to cover any of the below

  • Career exploration: Identify strengths and goals for suitable career paths.

  • Resume/CV review: Gain valuable feedback to improve effectiveness

  • Early startup assessment 

  • Any areas in career growth and early stage startups



This is the Way Podcast Cover (1200 × 627 px) (3).jpg


  • Improved self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses, both personally and as a leader.

  • Enhanced clarity and focus on career aspirations and long-term goals.

  • Empowerment to take control of one's situation and benefit from it.

  • Challenged to step outside comfort zones, grow, and align perceptions with reality.



This is the Way Podcast Cover (1200 × 627 px) (2).jpg
  • Clearly define the problem being addressed in the pitch.

  • Formulate a strategy to validate and refine the idea.

  • Develop a plan to understand and analyze the target market.

  • Create a prototype to further validate and move towards MVP






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